Friday, March 30, 2012

Beginning coloring process

Began coloring my Zon and Ted characters inside of Photoshop, this is my first time coloring a character inside of photoshop but I have learned a few basic things inside of it. Right now I am concentrating on the legs and will upload more later.

Zon and Ted

Characters for my story L.A.D.I Zon and Ted, been working hard on figuring out the design of Zon for at least a month now and I have finally gotten to something that I not just like but am very confident in. Here is the sketch both characters with the logo for L.A.D.I and font for their names.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Dry spell

Been on a bit of a dry spell as of late on updating my blog because of things going on now but I will post up more soon, going to Apache Cafe tonight to do some live model studies. Will upload those as soon as possible. Stay tuned.