Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Most Recent Apache Sketches

Been awhile since I've been back to the Apache Cafe located in Atlanta, GA. The live model Mondays is one thing that I want to go to every weekend but right now with my recent moving into a new apartment with my girlfriend my blog updating has slowed down for awhile. Luckily I am back into the movement and here are my most recent sketches from Apache. This time the live model had clothes on which made it a bit more difficult for me since I am use to drawing nude models. It took me a bit to get use to it but I feel as though I got a hang of it in the end.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Inspiring Artist

This week I was looking through different blogs and I came upon the blog of Maxeroo at
The way he draws appeals to me in a impacting way through his characters, I like the way he draws his characters, I can see how it comes through and the things that it seems he is thinking while doing it. One question that I can't get an answer to his the way he gets the clothes on his characters have so much mass look to them, the bends and wrinkles that he puts in to them confuses me because I don't know what makes him what to put them in certain spots. I plan on messaging him soon to ask questions about his style and hopefully I will get a response.

Check his blog out as well.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Beginning coloring process

Began coloring my Zon and Ted characters inside of Photoshop, this is my first time coloring a character inside of photoshop but I have learned a few basic things inside of it. Right now I am concentrating on the legs and will upload more later.

Zon and Ted

Characters for my story L.A.D.I Zon and Ted, been working hard on figuring out the design of Zon for at least a month now and I have finally gotten to something that I not just like but am very confident in. Here is the sketch both characters with the logo for L.A.D.I and font for their names.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Dry spell

Been on a bit of a dry spell as of late on updating my blog because of things going on now but I will post up more soon, going to Apache Cafe tonight to do some live model studies. Will upload those as soon as possible. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Apache Cafe

Went to Apache Cafe today in Atlanta. It's a corner cafe that has art Monday's every Monday with models and artist talk. Great place to go for figure drawing from the model and interesting people that just come there. Did some figure drawings and will upload them later. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First painting and digital painting

Original master copy on the bottom left, Marker comp done by me on the top left and a digital painting in Photoshop done by me and the right.

First traditional painting done from the same master in Gouache on Bristol.


Simple logo created for my graphic design class. Used the idea of my own studio.

Tree Render

Character process for Shredder

Final rendering in pose
Model Sheet 1

Model Sheet 2

Style Guide

Marker Comps

 (2,4, and 5 Copic markers)
This is the art blog of Eric Williams, I am a student at American Intercontinental University in the Game Design major. I am going towards the entertainment art field to specialize in Character Design/Development as well as Environment/Level Design and Development and Illustration. I overall want to be diverse in everything I want to do, here I will place my art in order for it to be seen and critiqued.